When to Research
by: Grant Wilson -
investigators know that research is part of the job.
You've got to know what you are looking
for and how to deal with it once you have found it.
The real question, when it comes to research, is
WHEN to do it.
If you are simply ghost hunting, you need to do
research in order to know where to go and when. But
if you are on an investigation, then you need to do
your research afterwards.
Here are a few reasons why:
(1) When you visit a house you want to start
off with a clean slate. You don't want to let the
stories about the home limit what you feel there.
For instance, if you read that a little girl was
killed in the home 100 years ago, you'll
subconsciously have that little girl in the back of
your mind, and it will taint your investigation.
This forces you to be true to your feelings,
therefore being true to the homeowner.
(2) If you log every event and detail for
later study, you can then compare those notes with
what you find when researching the history of the
home. Not only is your mind free of
predeterminations but you get the satisfying reward
of having your theories match closely with fact.
This is a good way to determine how advanced your
sensing capabilities are coming along.
(3) You may overlook additional paranormal
events because your mind is closed to them and only
open to the events you read about in your research.
For instance, if you know a man died in a certain
closet, you'll probably focus your investigation in
that closet rather than searching the entire home
and finding one other room is WAY more active than
the closet you had read about.
These are perfect reasons not to do research before
hand. When investigating someone's home, make sure
to research a bit about their lives (without prying
too much) so that you can determine if the problem
is in their home or just with them, independently of
their home.
If you're not sure this method is the best, give it
a try. It has made all the difference in what I
sense on a case and more than doubles the reward of
an investigation when you find out that your theory
was correct.
Give it a try, and as always, rock on.
- Grant /
http://www.the-atlantic-paranormal-society.com/ |
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Investigating the
Haunted: Ghost Hunting Taken to the Next Level