**  Thursday Night, April 21 2022  **
The event kicks off with our Infamous Pajama Party at The Sisters House.
Feel free to arrive anytime after
3 pm directly at the Sisters House
(see campus map)
This will be a party that will include alcohol a BYOB thing!
Always lots of fun and your chance to meet and make New Friends...

Friday April 22nd 2022
Arrive anytime after 12 pm at the Sisters House (see campus map)
You are free to roam the campus at anytime and the Monastery
is open till 4 during regular business hours.
For those who have never been here I will give the
Haunted/History Tour at 6 pm.

You may want to do all you can to be here for that as
it will help you when we play
"The Clueless Investigation Scavenger Hunt"
on Saturday Afternoon.

Get you things put away in your room Investigation starts at 9pm
and will go to the break of dawn...

Saturday April 23rd 2022
1 pm we all meet at the
Lunch will be served that will include 1 entree, dessert and a beverage.
Menu to be announced. Please don't forget to leave a small tip!!!

At 3 pm we will kick off the
This is back by popular demand and I know everyone will
find very entertaining.

The game will be explained to everyone, everyone will be part of a team.
Each team will follow all the clues and collect tokens on the way.
Which ever team finds all the locations of the tokens 1st
"Wins a $100 Cash Prize"

Saturday Nights Investigation
Again will start at 9 pm and again go until the Break of Dawn
This should allow you to grab a quick bite or "Nap" lol
before the investigation begins.
Sunday April 24th 2020
No Exact Check-Out Time
So please take your time get some rest and pack up at your leasure.
It's bee a hoot and hope to See Ya at the next one.

P.S. If you found your rooms clean and comfortable please leave
the gang in housekeeping a few bucks they, like you work hard
for their money and every little bit helps.

Drive Safe!

Make Your Reservations - CLICK Here



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** All Tickets and Rooms are NON-REFUNDABLE and will be sold by 1st  come 1st served reservations.  **

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