Do Ghost
Talk ...
EVP Helps You Hear Them Talk
When I began ghost hunting almost 15 years ago, I
was in awe of the information I had at my
discretion. There were many different authors from
years past that wrote books on ghosts and how they
detected them that I was surprised I had information
to follow.
Ghost hunting has been ongoing since the late
1800's. Then, just as now, there has been deceit and
confusion. Many different groups today are trying to
dispel the myths surrounding ghost hunting as well
as coming up with new ideas, techniques and
One of those techniques is EVP or electronic voice
phenomenon. There are many different thoughts on EVP
and how and why it's supposed to work. There was
even recently a movie, "White Noise" that was
supposed to shed some light on this subject but
failed poorly at its' attempt.
EVP has been around for years and we are only now
beginning to really understand how it works. Very
basically, EVP is the voice of the dead. It is a
voice that is heard either by a person performing
their regular activities of daily living or by a
recorder set up specifically for trying to capture
the voice.
It is thought that ghosts surround us every day. We
do believe that they are everywhere. We have no real
idea what they are doing except for the very real
possibility that ghosts show up at our homes to
console, guide and watch over their loved ones.
Ghosts were people. Most passed on under normal
circumstances. It is these ghosts that can come back
to visit and check on their loved ones.
During these visits, ghosts are able to capture the
living's attention. They make things happen to get
that attention. They might slam a door, make
footsteps, knock something off a table or take
something and hide it. They are trying to get your
They want to be acknowledged and will go to many
different lengths to get that attention. They may
even touch you. Once you allow your rational mind to
understand that this is a possibility, you will get
more contact. The ghost may have a message and want
you to have it. It is up to you how this is dealt
One way of getting your attention is to talk. They
may be able to whisper in your ear. If you are
fortunate enough to have that happen, you should at
least acknowledge that you hear them. They may be
able to continue with a few more words.
It is very difficult for ghosts to talk or do
anything else for that matter. If you will only
listen, they will talk to you and have wonderful
things to tell you. EVP can be heard with your ear
or a recorder and will be crisp and clear. We do not
believe that it is necessary to manipulate the voice
in any way. If it is a true EVP, you will not need
to do that.
I remember the first time I got my first EVP. I was
ecstatic. I had gone to a local historical building
at Halloween where I was to be a guest on a local
radio show and they were broadcasting the show from
this building. I had my tape recorder with me.
I always have some sort of media with me to play
back when I get home so I can listen to myself and
make sure I don't sound like some idiot. I set my
recorder in front of me on the table. There were two
of the show personalities on my right at the table
and one tarot card reader, giving readings, on my
left at the table.
No one was ever near my recorder and I never left
the table. Following the radio show, I went home and
listened to the taping while working at my computer.
Much to my surprise, as I was listening to the
recording I received a voice as clear as can be,
sounding like an older woman, telling me, "get out",
not in a nice way.
I was amazed. I had to call anyone I could get a
hold of and let them listen to it. Everyone was
congratulating me. I had always said that this
historic building was not haunted. I had been in it
often over the years and swore that it was not
To my surprise, I got one of the best EVP's I have
ever received and really cherish it to this day. It
is not often that you are able to get EVP, let alone
one so clear. I felt very honored. A ghost somewhere
felt I was worthy of receiving an EVP, even if it
wasn't a really nice one.
They apparently had issues that haven't been dealt
with and wanted to be alone. Unfortunately, there
were probably 50 people nearby that I couldn't have
been able to get rid of, so the ghost was going to
have to deal with the intrusion of this building a
bit longer.
EVP can be obtained. The old adage, "if at first
your don't succeed, try, try again" really holds
full weight here. You need to keep working at it and
working at it. Talk to the ghosts wherever you are
trying to get EVP, ask them to talk to you. Be
polite, considerate, respectful.
They are people too. You can use any type of
recorder. Digital has been proven to be the best but
tape works as well. Most of all, keep trying. You
will find that ghosts will begin to talk to you and
may give you messages if you want them.
You can talk to ghosts too!! |
**** Click Here To Read Part
Two ... **** |
Gloria Young,
Has been a ghost hunter and paranormal investigator
for over 10 years. She has dedicated her life to
researching paranormal activity. She has written,
"Faces of a Ghost Hunter" as well as three other
She founded the paranormal research group,
"Ghost Trackers".
She has co-produced two documentaries on ghost
(www.ghost-trackers.org) |
Now There's
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Way... |
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Details...The P.L.A.N. |